Discovery and research into River Island’s new clothes recycling scheme which launched as a trial. The goal was to increase user awareness and improve the usability.
2 weeks
UX Researcher UX Designer
Myself Associate UX Designer Content Team
StakeholdersSustainability team
ToolsUserZoom, Figma
How can we raise user awareness of the Take Back Scheme, and encourage them to participate?
UsabilityIn order to participate in the scheme, users need to know the steps they need to take in order to do so, and to be able to do it with ease.
Metrics to evaluate successNumber of customers participating in the scheme, number of £5 discount vouchers redeemed.
Identify the key pieces of information users need to know in order to participate in the scheme, and pain points that may prevent them from doing so
Findings:16 women between the ages of 25 - 35.
TasksCustomers are less likely to participate in the scheme if
M&S and Levi’s had the most user friendly and informative schemes amongst competing retailers. All relevant information was provided upfront, with the steps for how to participate broken down into an easy to read and process format.
One of the challenges of this project was managing the expectations of the Content team which included Copy Writing, Graphic design, and Branding.
We had to make sure the user’s need and research informed and was at the forefront of all design decisions. This meant that there needed to be pushback and changes on some copywriting decisions and graphic design elements in order to ensure the redesign was fully accessible, user-friendly, easy to navigate and left the user feeling fully informed.
+ Increase in clothes donations + Increase in £5 vouchers redeemed
Final ThoughtsThe scheme launched officially in January 2023 online, as well as being expanded to 204 stores. Unfortunately, the deadline for the redesign was a very tight one, which didn't leave room for usability testing before going live as I would have liked. However we were able to monitor engagement on ContentSquare, and watch session recordings which show us outright if their were any pain points users were having issues with. If the timeline allowed for it, I'd launch a usability test on UserZoom to test the designs with participants before going live.